I said after the primary that as goes question 1, so goes
the election (My post here). I felt that if question 1 passed then Walker and Milburn would be
our councilmen and if it failed then McManus and HarHay. I no longer feel that
way. Walker nor Milburn have tried to make question 1 a defining issue and I
believe they will pick up many votes that will vote No on 1 but Yes to them.
So, let me tackle question 1 first. As a supporter (I write why here), it is
hard for me to say, but Question 1 will not pass. I think Question 1 is gaining
supporters as education about the issue increases but while the supporters are
well funded and have good advertising it was too little, too late. The mayor
may have been well intended but he should have released earlier exactly what
changes he hoped to make and why. It felt rushed and it fueled those opposed to
question 1, who while less funded are very passionate and hardworking and will
prove successful. But if this is close and I think it will be, look for a
better worded proposal that changes the amount of homes per developer to 60 or
70 instead of just eliminating the 30, soon.
Cam Walker is having a very difficult race after running
unopposed the last cycle. I feel that this race is so tight that I almost hate to
make a prediction. But incumbents are hard to topple. Especially when most
people are happy with the city. Cam has served us well and most people are
happy and while it will be close, I think Cam Walker will win reelection.
Conventional wisdom states that if Cam wins then John
Milburn also wins but I don’t buy it. John has a wonderful, long history in
Boulder City. He is a good man and everybody who knows him, loves him. One
would think, this is a pattern for a win in a small town, but I just don’t feel
the passion. I am glad he doesn’t take the election too seriously but I almost
get the feeling that win or lose he’ll shrug his shoulders and say, “okay.”
Maybe I miss read him but I think many will have my same read and he won’t be
our next councilman.
So, if Cam wins and John Milburn doesn’t, who will get those
extra votes? Warren Harhay. Warren has proven a far better candidate than I
ever thought he would. He was completely unknown coming into this race. He has
not been involved at all prior to the election that I know of. While this
bothers me, I don’t think it will bother most voters. Usually he comes off
happy, funny and very personable. He has a charm that people relate to and we
are all drawn to his, “I’m no politician,” line. After doing all he needed to lock up
the hardline Community Alliance vote by convincing them he stood with them in principal, even though he did not sign their pledge, he didn’t stop there and shook hands,
knocked doors and did the, "in the trenches" work. I think many votes may get cast
for Walker and Harhay.
That leaves Kiernan McManus. Kiernan has been engaged in
local politics for some time. Early on he was endorsed by the Community
Alliance. I was at the meeting when the Alliance debated whether they should
support two candidates or just McManus fearing that any support may take away
from McManus. He was the tried and true candidate to their causes. In fact, it was
interesting in the recent forum Harhay stood up for property rights over a
historic preservation law patterned after Connecticut’s. A key issue for many
on the Alliance who felt such a law could have saved the hospital. So why does
their leading candidate fall behind to the new guy? I have a great respect for
Kiernan. His level of engagement is impressive. I think he really is a deep,
independent thinker that would add much balance to the council but I think he
will lose. Why? As Annie said, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” He
is sour faced in photos and when you meet him. I don’t know if I have ever even
seen a smirk on the man and that matters.
Lastly question 2. Have you seen any signs supporting
question 2? Me neither. It has no champion and without one, people will not
vote for it. It will be a decisive No.
Did you want to yell at your screen and say, “You are
crazy.” Question 1 will pass with flying colors and Milburn and Kiernan will
win in a landslide. Then get out and prove me wrong. Voting is in a few days
and nothing would make me happier than a high turnout that makes me wrong on
all counts.